Chatham Christian School welcomes students from around the world. By introducing International students into our school we can provide a wonderful opportunity for cross-cultural understanding to develop among our students. International students bring their own experiences, insights, cultural expressions and perspectives that will enrich the school’s culture.
  1. Complete the International Student Application
 2. Copy of school records for the past two years
 3. Photocopy of passport.
A Conditional Letter of Acceptance from Chatham Christian School will be issued once a student is accepted into the International Student Program. The official Letter of Acceptance, which is required to apply for a Student Visa, will be issued after a deposit is received by Chatham Christian School.
 The tuition and program related expenses must be paid in full at least 30 days prior to the start of the program.
 For any further questions, feel free to contact Chatham Christian School by calling 519-352-4980 or by emailing Ken VanMinnen at