Chatham Christian School


The T.R.I.P. (Tuition Reduction Incentive Program) is a gift card program that raises significant funds for Chatham Christian School. It harnesses the buying power of school supporters as everyday purchases can generate earnings for the school. 


The main purpose of T.R.I.P. is to raise the necessary revenue for the annual needs of the Computer Operating Fund. This fund supports, maintains and updates the computer hardware and software in the classrooms and computer labs. It pays for everyday things like ink cartridges, Internet connectivity, software, licensing fees and a host of other things. This revenue has allowed us to remove these costs from the annual operating budget, which helps reduce tuition.

Who Can Participate?

Participation in T.R.I.P. is open to parents, grandparents, friends, school society members, donors, and anyone in the community who wishes to participate. All participants have the option to choose any family as the recipient of the tuition credits or designate all the earnings to Chatham Christian School.

Where Can You Shop?

Certificates and gift cards are available for groceries, gas, drug stores, shoes, books, clothing, sports, toys, paint & wallpaper, restaurants, etc. See the order form for the full listing.

How Does This Program Work?

Bulk quantities of gift certificates and gift cards are purchased at a discount directly from the retailers. These certificates and gift cards are then sold to participating families at face value, with 60% of the discount passed on to the Computer Operating Fund and 40% toward a family in the form of a tuition credit, which is an incentive for families to participate.

If you do not have children at the school but would still like to participate in this fundraiser you can choose to have your 40% go toward the purchase of gift cards. If the incentive is not required, 100% of the earnings can be kept with Chatham Christian School by designating the 40% to any of the following funds:

  • Computer Operating Fund
  • Tuition Assistance Fund (T.A.F.)
  • Mortgage Reduction Fund
  • Chatham District Christian Education Foundation (C.D.C.E.F.)
  • Library Fund
  • Transportation/Bus Fund
  • Special Education Fund
  • Playground Equipment Fund
  • General Wish List Fund

How Do You Purchase Gift Cards?

Simply choose one of the methods below that work best for you:

  • Instant T.R.I.P.: Open at the school on Thursdays 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Come in, purchase and receive the gift certificates and gift cards immediately. It will be announced when Instant T.R.I.P. is open additional hours. (i.e Christmas holidays, membership meetings, etc.)
  • Pre-orders: Drop off your order with payment, in the school office by Wednesday a.m. Order will be sent home with student on Thursday or held in the office for pickup depending on how your account is setup. Your order will be ready for pickup anytime after Thursday noon. Pick up your order any day during school hours or at Instant T.R.I.P.
  • Weekly Standing Order: Drop off your Weekly Standing Order with post-dated cheques for number of chosen weeks, in the school office by Wednesday a.m. With the Weekly Standing Order, you can submit once a form and weekly receive your order rather than completing a form every week. Items will be sent home with student on Thursday or held in the office for pickup depending on how your account is setup.
  • Email: Send your order to trip@chathamchristian.ca by Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Your order will be ready for pickup anytime after Thursday noon. Pick up your order any day during school hours. It does not have to be Thursday. Payment is required when picking up the order.
  • Fax your order to 519-352-4980 “Attention T.R.I.P.” by Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Your order will be ready for pickup any time after Thursday at noon. Pick up your order any day during school hours. It does not have to be Thursday. Payment is required when picking up the order.
  • School Family: Put your order in through another school family that lives nearby.
  • School Functions: Every effort will be made to have Instant T.R.I.P. available at all major school functions such as: Bazaar, Christmas Program, Fine Arts Evening, Grandparents’ Day, New Family Evening, September Barbecue, etc.









Get In Touch

Location: 475 Keil Dr S, Chatham, ON
Telephone: 519-352-4980
Email: office@chathamchristian.ca
School Hours: M-F: 8:30am – 3:40pm

Chatham Christian School

475 Keil Dr S,
Chatham, ON N7M 6L8