therefore, students must be taught that every human activity, every subject studied in school, every occupation prepared for or practiced in society, has to be done in obedience and love to Christ. (Rom. 14:7-8)
Learning is not independent of faith. Our world is fallen, and sin has also darkened and distorted the human mind. Therefore, the educational enterprise needs the redeeming and renewing grace of Christ. A goal of Christian education is to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5)
God has given us two revelations: the Creation and the Bible (Psalm 19). Since both come from Him, believing the study of these two sources cannot yield ultimate contradiction. Christian education explores the created world in the light of Scripture. Believers need not fear that the results of
responsible science will undermine the Christian faith. The same God is Author of both revelations.
Racial and religious attitudes, ethical standards, goals and aspirations, as well as the products of human culture are all tainted by sin and often become misdirected (Rom. 1:18-25,28). Christian education proceeds from the hope proclaimed in the Gospel that in Jesus Christ human life and culture share in both grace and renewal. And so students are to be inspired with the vision of the Kingdom of Christ. Christ is Lord and calls us to reclaim all things for Him (Jer. 31:33-34; 2 Cor. 5:17-6:2, Gen. 12:8).
He has created it and still daily cares for it by His Providence. Christian education seeks to instill in the students the recognition that God has appointed up as earth-keepers, responsible stewards for the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants (Psalm 25:1-2; Gen. 12:8).
Whether male or female, old or young, gifted or impaired – all, regardless of race or culture, have the right to be treated with respect and dignity. No one, however, becomes fit for the Kingdom apart from the Spirit’s gift of rebirth. Christian education, therefore, urges each student to live a life fully committed to Jesus Christ and His service. To that end, it also seeks to identify, encourage, and develop the differing gifts and abilities of every student so that God’s servants “may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:17).
The school does not seek to replace but rather to add to this parental instruction.
We therefore welcome to our membership all Christians who share this vision of Christian
Christian education calls for teachers who effectively model both Christian living and love for Christ, as well as honest scholarship and love of learning
Location: 475 Keil Dr S, Chatham, ON
Telephone: 519-352-4980
Email: [email protected]
School Hours: M-F: 8:30am – 3:40pm